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The Secret Mindset Of Money

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The Secret can bringing the money, but not only about the money. The Law of Attraction is not for people who have the mindset of materialistic, greedy, and arrogant.
The secret of Money
Law of Attraction is about your goals, you express in your dreams. Dreams that come from the heart is your goal in this world. Your goal is probably not to have a brilliant career, but being a good parent. You may also want to be a good friend, or sympathize thousands of orphans.

But all that could happen without any money.

Money was the one who can build the company. Money to build bridges and roads. Money can support parents to be good parents to their children. Money can make us spend zakat or donations.

If you fall into the trap that the money was bad, only bad people who have money. Do we really want to believe that drug traffickers and criminals who can enjoy the abundance, while good people suffer? Of course not! This is ridiculous.

But, if money is the only thing you care about, then the money it will avoid you. We tend to have mental garbage about money. We tend to have fear when it comes to matters relating to money. In fact, the fear tends to be counter productive.

Dispose of all things dealing with money. Money is not important here. Money is necessary, but not the only thing that matters to you.

Joseph Campbell once said, "Follow your bliss, the money will follow you."
Follow The Money

Plug in your mind that you need money to realize your dream, and this is not a thing wrong. Then, ignore or do not be too bound by these thoughts. Focus your attention on what you love.

That's secret of The Secret when you can actually apply. That's when the emotions you will encourage your mind to change the things you want to change.
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