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10 Tips on How to Save with Ease (Part 1)

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Savings habits should be carried it from an early age. By having a good habit of saving, then we can plan better future again. But unfortunately as we age, the more often we will find new problems, especially problems related to finance.

There are some questions frequently asked by several people about saving money :

How to save money, while revenue has always gone for daily expenses?

How to choose the most promising investment and prosperity?

Even if we already know, but still confused how to get started! Still confused efforts to determine the most appropriate, so once again still confused where to start, etc..

The following five of ten tips can help you save money with ease and is highly recommended to be applied:

1. Analysis of the habits we are done each month. Terms of saving money is actually quite simple, ie if monthly income greater than expenditures. But here is also a crucial problem why most people are lazy to save. However, if viewed more deeply, there must be actual expenditures that could be reduced or even eliminated as long as we have a strong desire. Well for that, first we must know the habits that we do every month. Analysis and study it in depth, then we can determine what types of expenses that must be suppressed.

2. Set aside money at the beginning of the month. Usually if we want to save money with money left over at the end of the month, then the remaining amount is little or sometimes no. Therefore set aside money for savings at the beginning of the month. In this way we will try to comply with the plan we have made previously so that is saving for the beginning of each month.

3. Specify the date for the save, of course this is not a problem if we have a monthly salary. But this must be considered well if we are not fixed income, such as entrepreneurs. Therefore specify the exact date to save each month.
4. If we have debt, then perioritaskan to immediately pay off the debt. Because as we all know the interest debt is greater than the value of interest savings. If the debt is paid off, it will be easier to conduct activities to consistently save money each month.

5. Then if the habit of saving has been running rather well, then keep trying to save consistently each month. Even if necessary and allow better participate in the investment program which can usually withdraw the money automatically (auto-debit) each month for savings. Many Banks that offer this type of program, please select according to the needs of each of us. (To be Continued)

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