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Where to Hone Financial Quotient?

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Scholastic and professional education does not teach the book of Financial Quotient. We studied accounting there. But we are prepared to be a book-keeper for the assets of another person. We do not learn to develop their own assets. The teachers and lecturers teach us to work to earn money, not create money.

In school, we learn to be a good employee, obedient, loyal, and productive. In college, we are prepared to be screws of the industrial engine owned by others.

In various courses, we trained openly working for someone else. Not one who taught us financial freedom. That's the weakness of our education system.

But, just because the school did not provide a place for Financial Quotient in the curriculum, are we then not be able to learn it?

We must continue to learn. May be directly in the real world. Perhaps we also studied empirically, with a concrete experience. Or, maybe we could take a lesson from the experience of others, whether failed or successful experience.

Learning from the Real World
Many people are financially savvy after years of dabbling in the real world. They know the joy of passive income, then keep trying to improve the productive assets to increase the pipeline of wealth. Maybe at first accidentally, but after successfully finding a pattern, they become addicted.

Indeed, not all experience is sweet. There also had to fall up and battered, before finally turning failure into success. Although it must first downs, they are more mild than those who do not.

The owners of the business from various companies that positive cash flow, the owner of the leased property, the owner of a car or other goods being leased; might be the people who study the financial acumen of their action daily. They trade, sell, buy, and make dealing at any time. Sometimes the loss. That is normal. Just as long as a whole, its cash flow is still positive. They were finally able to compensate for losses in a transaction with gains on other transactions.

They use a pattern of trial and error, or learning by doing to build their Financial Quotient. Plusnya value, they can really feel and appreciate the processes that are underway. Downside, of course, must bear the cost of no small learning.

Learn from the Master
More intelligent than the first group that uses a pattern of trial and error. This second group is conceptually already understood the principles of Financial Quotient. They just need a concrete example, that someone they know, which can interact directly. Very likely, it is one of his closest friends, relatives, parents, or people in his inner cycle.

Learning from a teacher, it could eliminate the possibility of failure. At least, there can be invited to talk if you want to buy or sell assets to maneuver. Nothing gives directions based on real experience.

But on the other hand, teachers also learn directly from nothing to lose. The most risky are likely to follow the example of the entire science students of the teacher. Either strategy, way of life, as well as the values of doing business. It does not matter if that imitated a perfect figure outside in, intelligent as well as ethical. But what if the teacher was like unethical behavior in business, although he was prodigy?

Another thing that should be taken into account is the amount likely to be a follower for life. So do not dare to implement their own original ideas, or lack the confidence to be creative. In fact, the increasingly rapid changes require us to be creative and more creative.

Learn from the Expert

You can learn from short courses about Financial Quotient. You can follow the short course, training or seminars on how to achieve financial freedom in no time. You can interact directly with the speaker, which may be a popular motivator, or an expert in the science of getting rich.

The advantage, you can direct dialogue with them. You can absorb the knowledge. You can catch the explosive motivation. You will be moved to do the same thing exactly as suggested by the speaker. Not the spirit is a kind of "virus" that contagious?

Harm, the speaker is not focused on yourself. There are hundreds of other seminar participants. The experts are just trying to formulate a recipe that is generic. In fact, the implementation of financial strategies should take into account the special character of each person. So it is not necessarily what the speaker is talking about fiery you can do it perfectly.

The other downside, not all experts really be able to apply theory in practice. Many experts or business analysts who manage the company's incompetent. Many financial advisors whose lives are actually in debt. So, be careful.

Learning from books
You can also learn from books. In recent years many outstanding books on Financial Quotient. The authors present a variety of recipes, formulas, and practical tips. Both the style parktis simple language and easy to digest, to academic sentences difficult to understand. From the description of the everyday vocabulary are easy to chew, to formulas and complex numbers such as the formula to make a nuclear bomb.

As with any seminar or training on the part of private wealth management, learning from the book are also many disadvantages. Theory and tricks in the book, sometimes not realistic. Especially if it were written by foreign authors, who have real experience in foreign countries. Therefore, the world of business and the economy in Asia has a different style with the United States. Different economic policies, inflation and interest rates vary, and the behavior of people (as the subject of business and economics) is obviously very different.

Thus, everything is back to you to choose, how to learn this Financial Quotient.

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