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The 3 tips to control your shopping desires

Shopping Tips - One of the problems that a booster in matters of financial planning, is the excessive shopping habits. Even for some people, shop activities have become hobby, due too much shopping. Typically, this is done on impulse or without planning, a desire to buy arises only because he saw the price was discounted, the packaging is attractive, shadow advantage that if you use the item until the time of purchase that deliberately narrow.
However, satisfaction impulsive shopping for the items was only temporary. Because, at the time the money had already changed hands, then arises a pang in the heart of the signs of remorse. Yes, remorse emerged some time later, when our mind have been able to return  rational. Or when you reopen the financial planning records of the month.

Shop Tips

Standard regret question, why spend the money to buy this, do you still have the old one? Why shopping goods, it's not very useful at home. Or there is also just realized after looking at a row of clothes that have not been used in the closet, books are still wrapped in plastic on a bookshelf, or kitchen equipment that is still wrapped in cardboard and used only occasionally. And so on.

So, what can be done to discourage spending that is sometimes so tempestuous? The three following shopping tips might help you:

1. Distinguish between NEEDS and WANTS
The biggest factor is the driving force someone to be so eager to buy things are WANTS. In fact, we should only spend money on something we NEEDS. How to tell the different of these?

To distinguish between objects which are the needs and desires which are not difficult. But more common is the desire to stick to the needs, so we assume that all the requirements. Buying new shoes may be a necessity when our old worn shoes, but buying a particular brand name shoes no longer need but has become a desire. Including the purchase of shoes just because of the trend.

2. Cash is the limit
Why we can have excessive shopping habits? There are two reason, firstly because we have a desire that is difficult to control when looking at certain items. And second, because we have a chance to fulfill that desire. We carry so much money or because of the ease in debt which facilitate ours.

Shopping tips in financial planning
Just use debit card to keep your shopping desires
So, if we are still difficult to limit desire, try to limit the chances. Limit the cash that was taken, get used to only take debit cards when shopping, and use credit cards only for emergencies only.

3. Divert into productive shopping
The next shopping tips is divert into productive shopping. At a certain level, satisfaction obtained when excessive shopping is not the satisfaction to have something, but the satisfaction of being able to buy something. Satisfaction occurs not when using the goods, but when buying it. Satisfied that the goods are already in hand, before they run out, before anyone else, before the promotion period and so on.

To continue to fulfill the desire to buy but do not be extravagant, try to switch their purchases into something more productive or durable. Instead of buying clothes that cost obviously goes down, the better the price of gold jewelry shopping can even ride stable. Equipment rather than purchasing a house that was also very rarely used, it is better to buy mutual funds, purchase deposit, or shares a clear benefit for the investment.

Hopefully the above three shopping tips can help you in controlling your spending appetite. So that your monthly financial planning are not distracted by the activity of uncontrolled shopping. (*)
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