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5 Simple Tips of Debt Management

Debt Management -- In good health, good health physically and financially healthy, people certainly do not want to add debt. Unfortunelly, a condition sometimes forces us to take on debt. Whether for immediate needs such as hospital, school or need long-term needs such as houses, cars and so on. Thus we need to know a few things related to debt management is that it does not overwhelm us.
Debt Management
Organizing or managing debt can not only be done by experts. You can actually do it yourself if you really want to set up loan funds and financial future. If you are ready to do so, without any advice from financial experts you can reduce bad debt, and more importantly, you do not need to pay extra to pay a financial expert.

You do not believe?

First try the following steps to reduce your debt. You will know that these steps are actually quite simple and logical, but it all depends how you apply it. You do not even need to have a bachelor's degree in economics or business to understand how to managing debt!
Debt Management
Here are the steps:

1. Create a financial plan
If you have a clear plan about how you will use or spend money, then you will be able to minimize unnecessary expenditures. At the beginning it is difficult to do, but if you continue to do, then you will get used.

2. Set Income aside for debt repayment
If you have a monthly income, then you are leaving money to pay-off is a good move. Thus, there will be a compulsion for you to pay off debt. It's also a great way to make sure that you can not touch the money, because you have money you want for other purposes.

3. Saving
The next step of debt management is try to cut spending. You can do this by saving energy, like electricity and water, in other words go green with little action. If possible, cut spending on things you can do yourself. For example, for laundry, maintenance of parks / gardens, plumbing repairs, etc. Including reducing the desire to have the latest gadget, when the old one is still fit for use

4. Prioritize debts with the highest interest
If you have a lot of debt, pay the highest interest debt first. Thus, you will be spared from the value of debt interest will also be higher. You'll also be able to set aside money to pay other debts (the lower interest rates). it's so wise advice of debt management, right?

5. Pay more
Do not just pay the mortgage debt by the amount requested. If you have money, pay more. Thus, the concern will be reduced, and there will be lightening the load in the next repayment of your debts. It is also a desire to reduce spending to consumer goods that are not urgent.
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